Community Programs
an overview
The Community Programs are funded by the IBN Charitable Foundation and are reviewed and updated every year by the IBN Board.
This section gives a summary of what is available and what is not available in each program. There may be special conditions or exclusions in the IBN policy not listed here, but our IBN office teams can explain the details and help members to apply. As well as Community Programs, IBN has Service Delivery teams in our three Pilbara offices (South Hedland, Tom Price and Karratha). Our Field Officers provide practical support and can help members to access programs and services offered by IBN, government agencies, other Trusts and charities.
How to Apply
IBN provides a range of programs and services to improve the lives of the IBN Community.
Step 1
Choose the Community Program you need from the Handbook or the IBN website.
Step 2
Download and complete the application form.
Make sure you fill in everything and attach the supplier’s invoice or quote and other support documents.
The name and address on the application form must match your details on the IBN database. If you have moved or changed your name, please complete the Update Personal Details form.
If your application relates to a dependent child, make sure the child is registered with us, using the IBN Dependent Child Advice Form.
Step 3
Send your completed application form and attached documents to IBN.
Fax: (08) 9140 0996
In person, visit one of our offices in South Hedland, Tom Price or Karratha.
Step 4
IBN Members Services team will process your application.
Except where otherwise stated, most Community Programs applications will take up to 10 working days once all the documents are received.
IBN will contact you to let you know the outcome and will pay the supplier. We cannot provide reimbursements.
Step 5
Not happy with the outcome? You can Appeal a decision.
Dependent Children
If you are an IBN Community Member, or approved legal carer of a dependent child/children under the age of 18 and wish to access help from IBN for the child/children you will need to complete the Dependent Child Advice Form
Once your application has been received and all required documents provided it will be registered with IBN and assessed. We will let you know the outcome. If your application is approved your dependent child/children will be added to the IBN Community Members Database. You can then apply for IBN benefits to help in supporting the dependent child/children.
Please note: Biological children of IBN Community Members may apply to join IBN from the age of 16.
Once their membership has been accepted they are no longer considered ‘dependent’ and can apply for benefits directly.
Need more information?
Take a look at the Community Programs Handbook for more information about each program and eligibility criteria. Or contact us for more information.
Can’t find a program to help you?
The Community Programs Team is here to help. If you can’t find a program to help you contact us to discuss your individual situation, we will always help if we can.
Community Programs
PROGRAM 3: Health
This program aims to assist IBN families and legal carers of IBN children with their family medical and dental costs.
IBN knows that keeping culture strong is vital and we support the IBN community to attend and participate in Lore practice and other cultural activities.
PROGRAM 5: Member Advocacy and Advice
IBN members. Financial and legal advice including wills and estate planning.
PROGRAM 6: Employment and Enterprise
Employed and unemployed IBN Members. For expenses that will improve work skills or job prospects.
Delivering life-changing social programs and development of a Future Fund to provide for the IBN Community long after the end of mining.
Code of Conduct
The IBN Code of Conduct is the way the Board expects its directors, employees and members to conduct themselves while engaged in IBN business.
- Treat each other with fairness and respect, without discrimination or harassment.
- Work in a safe manner with due regard for the health and safety of others and ourselves.
- Know and act within the limits of our rights and responsibilities.
- Comply with the laws of Western Australia and Australia.
- Comply with the policies and procedures of IBN.
- Treat the affairs and information of IBN with privacy and confidentiality.
- Record all information accurately and honestly.
- Look after and take care of all IBN property.
- Ensure that our outside activities don’t create a conflict of interest that is not transparent or declared.
- Look after and protect our environment.
Behaviour that is offensive, intimidating, destructive or disruptive is not acceptable under the IBN Code of Conduct. Examples of unacceptable conduct include:
- Verbal abuse or harassment
- Physical assault
- Threats of violence
- Unauthorised use, theft or damage to IBN property
- Acting dishonestly or misrepresenting
- Abusive remarks on social media (‘trolling’)
- Soliciting IBN employees or directors for favours, money, cigarettes or anything else (‘humbugging’).
Privacy Statement
Members’ personal information is confidential to IBN. It is used solely by IBN for providing benefits and services to members and to monitor programs. Personal information about a member or a dependent child will be shared only with the permission of the member or the child’s parents or approved carer.