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IBN Group strengthens Executive Team with two new hires

IBN Group is pleased to announce the appointment of two new executive team members who will be instrumental in driving the organisation forward and allowing us to better serve Members.

Firstly, Peter Harris has joined in the newly created role as Deputy CEO and Chief Operations Officer. Peter will work closely with CEO Kerry Bosch to implement the Group’s strategic priorities and will be responsible for overseeing day-to-day administration and operational functions.

Peter is an Njamal man with a connection to country spanning the east and west coast of Australia. Most recently he has served as Executive Director at Bool Boodjar, a majority Aboriginal owned and operated private company that provides mining & civil services and wet & dry plant hire.

Peter’s ability to understand core business technical deliverables and blend that with a deep understanding of Aboriginal community and culture has seen him lead and develop Aboriginal advancement strategies and programs in recent years whilst establishing private business ventures in the mining, energy and resource sectors.
Benjamin Oxford has also joined IBN as Chief Member Services Officer and will be responsible for the development and implementation of member service strategies and will manage the Community and Member services team.

Benjamin joins IBN from Lifeline WA where he was the Head of Digital Crisis Support Services and has over 20 years executive leadership experience predominantly in the health care and human services sectors.

IBN Group CEO Kerry Bosch said, “These two appointments are part of our ambition to structure our business for continued success; we want to ensure we have the right people in the right roles to deliver the best service for our members, now and into the future.”

“I am thrilled to be welcoming our new talent and working with them both to support our team in ensuring we can deliver the best services to IBN Members”.

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