Member Feedback Form

Member Feedback Form

To introduce a more beneficial process on handling feedback from our members, we have created a dedicated email address where members can send their feedback.

It is our hope that this option will allow a more processed approach to the handling of any feedback that members have.

The email address is, and the following process will apply for sending feedback to this mailbox.

  • Feedback is received from member to
  • The member will receive a communication from IBN advising that their feedback has been received
  • IBN will review the feedback accordingly (including contacting the member throughout)
  • IBN will work through the issue, in line with our code of conduct and policies, to find the most appropriate solution
  • The member will receive a communication on the outcome of the review
  • If this feedback refers to a Community Program application, please complete the IBN Community Programs Appeal form

Your Details

DD slash MM slash YYYY
Language Group(Required)
Please provide a detailed outline of your concerns, please include relevant details including any names of staff you dealt with as well as dates, times and copies of any information which may be relevant
DD slash MM slash YYYY
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