IBN was nominated for 4 awards on Saturday 16 September 2023 at the Port Hedland Chamber of Commerce Inc (PHCCI) Business Excellence Awards. PHCCI noted that there were a record number of submissions this year. They went on to add that IBN to have four nominations accepted was a significant achievement.
IBN was nominated for:
- Best Business 21+ Award
- Best Aboriginal Business of the Year
- Best Business Leader of the Year: Leonard Ashburton
- Best Employee of the Year Award: Barbie McKenzie
We were thrilled to have been awarded Best Aboriginal Business of the Year. This award recognises the contributions of IBN members and staff. We were given wonderful feedback on the evening from BHP and team members from the Pilbara Development Commission that IBN was working very differently, and they were very keen to get more involved.
It was wonderful to have four generations of the Derschow family present. Ted Derschow, Rose Derschow and Melinda McKenzie were on hand to celebrate Barbie’s nomination.
Thank you to all IBN staff and members.
Christina Stone & Geoff Parnell
Co-Chairs, IBN Corporation