Community Programs
3.3 Medical and Dental Travel
Up to $5,500 per financial year.
- An IBN Member patient or dependent child travelling away from home for prescribed medical or dental care.
- An IBN Member acting as travel escort or as patient supporter for an ill or injured child or family
member (including kinship relations). - A travel escort or patient supporter for an ill or injured IBN Member. A family group may include children within the annual limit.
- Members with a chronic illness and other special cases may be referred to Service Delivery for
further assistance. - Only the IBN parent or legal carer may apply on behalf of an IBN child.
- Domestic airfares.
- Bus fares.
- Car travel (fuel and food voucher/card).
- Taxi vouchers (Cabcharge) are available only from the South Hedland office.
- Accommodation, meals and incidentals for up to 7 days. Extensions available with a medical certificate.
Items NOT available
- International travel.
- Hotel bonds and any damage caused by the member. Members are responsible for these items
and must deal directly with the hotel using their own cash or card. - Weight loss programs.

- Members are required to provide their Medicare Number.
- All travel and accommodation claims, including for travel escorts and patient supporters, require referral by a registered doctor or dentist or other evidence.
- Members MUST apply for PATS and other support (Medicare, private health or other insurance etc) and show evidence if they are not eligible. IBN will pay the gap.
- Extensions beyond 7 nights will require confirmation from an appropriate health professional.
Supporting documents
- Program application form 3.3
- Medical or dental referral and appointment
- PATS documents
- Private insurance documents
- Supplier invoices or quotes showing payment details
Application Processing Time
Except in emergencies, 10 working days once all the documents have been received by IBN.