Thanarru! – Thank-you for submitting your online form.
This auto response is to confirm receipt of your online form.
If you have submitted a Community Programs Application:
- Please make sure you have filled in everything and have attached the supplier’s invoice or quote and other supporting documents
- Please make sure that the name and address on the application form matches your details on the IBN database. If you have moved or changed your name, please complete the Update Personal Details form
- If your application relates to a dependent child, please make sure the child is registered with us, using the IBN Dependent Child Advice Form
- Most Community Programs applications will take up to 10 working days to process once all the documents are received
The Steps of your CP application
1. Webform received
2. Application Registered by Administration Officer
3. Text sent to member stating application is registered
4. Application accessed by Senior Administration Officer
5. Application paid via credit card, online, purchase order or over phone
6. Confirmation sent to member stating payment made
If you would like to know details about each program and apply online/download the application form, please view:
The Steps of your CP application
If you are unhappy with the decision of your CP Applications, you can appeal the decision, by completing and sending a CP Appeals Form, which can be accessed here:
Training Courses
Did you know the IBN have Pre-Paid Placements have been made at various TAFE locations (Hedland, Karratha and Tom Price) and Members who are interested can enrol with us to take the following courses: